joining natures and cities

This approach which is popular in Anglo-Saxon practice, deals with the components, form, operation and usage of urban areas, and particularly their collective parts. JNC INTERNATIONAL s.a has developed an urban design department as full-fledged discipline like its landscape architecture department.
We use this approach in a bord range of projects on the scale of city blocks (For example : The Gaucheret development in Brussels), neighbourhoods (such as Europe square in St. Petersboug) or town centers (Like the paths in the town in the Historic heart of Brussels).

With the exponential growth of towns and suburbs in recent decades, a new relationship has been developed between the «rural landscape» and «the urban landscape».
In this context, JNC INTERNATIONAL Ltd. has integrated and developed respect of natural landscapes in a whole series of projects ranging from restoration of urban landscapes ( i.e. : La Cambre Abbey and wood Brussels in Belgium), or reconversion of abandoned industrial sites into green areas (For exemple, the park in Wavrin/Seclin in France) to ecological planning on a regional scale (For example, The Gullele National Park in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia).

Town and country planning plays a fundamental role in producing a stimulating, sustainable environment that is equitable for all residents and users. Our approach consists of thinking of the man made environment (in urban or rural areas), public areas and infrastructures, with a view to improving the quality of the home, work and leisure lifestyles represented there.
With this approach, we study and carry out projects on the scale of a neighbourhood (town planning at municipal level like the «Grands Prés» in Mons, urban and environmental relations (Like those in La Louvière and Thuin), the urban outline plan (Waremme), the municipal urban planning regulations as in the Meuse Valley in Namur and incorporated municipal areas or regions (outline plans for territorial development, modifications of sector plans, etc).